Black Currant with Wild Mint Cheesecake

Black Currant with Wild Mint Cheesecake

A truly decadent cheesecake - super creamy, deliciously fruity - enjoy how amazing a cheesecake can be when you have a full jar of the very best jam to dress it!

Serving Size: 1 round 9” cheesecake

FOR THE CRUST: 2 cups Graham crackers, crushed

1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar

6 Tbsp unsalted butter

⅛ tsp salt

FOR THE FILLING: 24 ounces cream cheese at room temperature

3 large eggs

⅔ cups granulated sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

Blake Hill’s Black Currant with Wild Mint Jam



Preheat oven to 350°F and select a 9” pie pan with removable base and a 1 ¼” height


MAKING THE CRUST: Combine crust ingredients with mixer until crumbs are small and start sticking together


Shape crust by pressing mix on bottom and sides of pie pan, making bottom thicker than sides


MAKING THE FILLING: Using mixer at slow speed, whip cream cheese with sugar until smooth, then slowly add eggs and vanilla


Pour filling into pan, spoon 3 Tbsp Black Currant with Wild Mint Jam on top gently swirl (but do not mix in)


Bake 20-30 minutes until cake is 165-170 F


Remove cheesecake from pan, cool on rack for 10 minutes then chill in fridge.


To Serve, spread 4-6 Tbsp of Jam on top, garnish with mint ~ and Enjoy!

Black Currant with Wild Mint Cheesecake

Suggested Jams