Royal Blue Cheese Board
You’ll feel regal eating this cheese board despite your cozy pajamas or athleisure ensemble. No tiaras or belts of gold needed - just an appreciation for the refined taste of Spiced Plum with Port and the fudge-like texture of Jasper Hill Farm’s Bayley Hazen Blue. You’ll start waving your hand like a royal once your family finds you savoring the sweetness of candied walnuts, fresh spinach, artisan crisps, and savory beef salami.

Blake Hill Spiced Plum with Port

Jasper Hill Farm Bayley Hazen Blue

Brooklyn Cured Tuscan Red Wine Beef Salami

Rustic Bakery Artisan Crisps


candied walnuts

Lay a light layer of spinach on the board.
Place cheese wedge atop spinach.
Place jam jar or small jam bowl on board. Spoon jam into bowl, if needed.
Display crips and salami in a pleasant fashion.
Garnish board with walnuts, serve and Enjoy!
Perfect Bite: Grab an Artisan Crisp, top it with salami, Bayley Hazen Blue and Spiced Plum with Port!