Walnut Butter Cheesecake with Raspberry Swirl
A decadent take on a classic dessert. This nut butter and jam cheesecake dreamed up by Kent, co-founder of Mixed Up Nut Butter, is the perfect creamy, luscious and sweet dessert sure to impress at your next gathering!
Serving Size: 5, 8 ounce ramekins or 10, 4 ounce ramekins

1 sleeve graham crackers (about 9 cracker “sheets”)

7 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus more for greasing ramekins


16 ounces full fat cream cheese, softened at room temperature

2 tablespoons plus 2/3 cup maple sugar or granulated sugar, divided

½ cup sour cream

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 eggs, room temperature

Fresh Raspberries and fresh mint, for garnish

½ cup Mixed Up Nut Butter’s ‘The High Bar’ (Almond, Pecan, Walnut Nut Butter)

Blake Hill’s Naked Raspberry Jam, stirred and slightly warmed

Preheat oven to 350F. Pulse graham crackers in a food processor, or finely crush in a Ziploc bag. Mix in 2 tablespoons maple sugar and a few pinches of salt. Then, pour in butter and mix thoroughly.
Grease ramekins with butter, then add graham cracker mixture to them. (If using 8 ounce ramekins, add 3-4 tablespoons each. If using 4 ounce ramekins, add 2-3 tablespoons.) Gently shake ramekins to evenly distribute. Pack mixture into an even layer, using the bottom of a shot glass or container of similar size. Bake for 10 minutes, or until beginning to brown. Let cool.
In a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, add softened cream cheese and maple sugar. Blend for 2-3 minutes on medium speed until smooth and combined, stopping intermittently to scrape sides of bowl.
Stir in sour cream, nut butter, and vanilla extract. Blend on medium speed until thoroughly combined.
Add one egg, blend until just combined. Repeat with second egg. Do not over mix.
Fill 1/3 of each ramekin, shake to distribute, then add 3 teaspoons of jam, in dollops apart from each other. Distribute remaining mixture among ramekins, filling almost to the top. Add 3 more teaspoons of jam, in dollops. With a toothpick, use a figure-8 motion to make a swirl pattern.
Place ramekins in a baking dish filled with almost 1” of hot water. Place in oven and bake until centers are slightly jiggly, about 40 minutes for 8 ounce ramekins, and 25 minutes for 4 ounce ramekins. Remove from oven and cool for 1 hour. Then, chill in fridge overnight to fully set the cheesecake.
Top with fresh raspberries, mint, and Enjoy!
Bakers Tip- Only make the amount of cheesecakes you need for dessert and then store the rest of the mixture in the freezer to use at a later date for up to 3 months!